Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bandidas (2006)

Links: IMDb * Wikipedia * AllMovie

Premise: Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek as young women out to avenge their fathers' deaths.

Stars: Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Steve Zahn, Dwight Yoakam

Review: Honestly I didn't expect much out of a film that disappeared from the theater faster than you can blink. But it surprised me. Cruz and Hayek are both delightful - and pleasant to the eyes - as Maria and Sara, respectively, who are out to prove that the bank which had their fathers killed is not to be respected. They begin robbing banks - not for the money but in order to demonstrate that the banks are not safe and that the people of Mexico should not put their money in them. This will - hopefully - drive the bank out of the country.

While they do this, they are pursued by Dwight Yoakam - in a send-up of almost every Western bad guy - who draws a number of laughs even when he's menacing. Steve Zahn plays an investigator from New York who is drawn to both women as they compete to prove who's the better woman - they keep kissing him in full view of the other in order to prove to themselves and to each other that they are better.

It's a cute Western comedy.

Overall: Mediocre

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